Party Time.... Excellent... Favors!
I guess I'm a party pooper when it comes to kids parties. I am a milestone party girl. My kids get parties at 1, 5, 10, maybe 13, 16 and 21 if they are so inclined to hang with me that night. Yea, right. I just don't see the point of throwing parties every year. I think I have an aversion to all the crap the kids get. Some people really can't pick a gift. But when you do rock out the party you had better make it worth their while! Our little B didn't get a first birthday party. I flaked at the 11th hour. I got scared of kids and food.... and Epi-Pens being shot into his legs. Dramatic, yes, but at this point I was just learning to cook minus all the stuff he's allergic to. Now, baking.... that was another story. I guess I didn't want to "burden" our guests with allergy free cake. Moving on. Had the party gone on, all of our little guests would've left with these FAB.U.LOUS custom name crayons. I happen to think they are perfect for a 1st or 2nd birthday. They come all dressed up in a custom box or party favor box ready for a bow. You don't need anything else. READ: No plastic SHIT! Just cute crayons that kids can actually USE. Unless you are me. I probably would've pried them from their tiny hands to hold onto as a keep sake. Bad mommy! Anyway.... mosey on over to Storyblox and have a look. If no one has RSVP'd to the party, yet.... and don't get me started on THOSE jackasses.... you can still rock out a cute favor. They will do numbers, flowers, shells and even ducks! Now go forth.... AND PARTY! Oh... and did I mention that they are made from recycled crayons?