
I Resolve....

I was perusing one of my favorite sites looking for a gift for a little guy's birthday. I happened to come across these kick ass bracelets while looking.

Not only do they look cool, but they serve as a constant reminder to do good. It reads:

Humanity-Planet Peace- Live in Unity- Make a Difference- Accept Diversity- Speak Kindness- Receive a Hand- Pave the Path- Lead the Way- Sow Love- Accept Love- Make a Difference

Maybe I should see if they could add "Get birthday gifts sent in time" on mine. Hopefully little J won't mind his late gift. In the coming year I would like to get back to remembering things. Birthdays, cards, special occasions and showers just to name a few. I used to be so good at that. I don't know what has happened. While I'm at it I think I need to add getting more exercise to my list. Really... there is no excuse for this one. I miss my trainer, but I should be able to do it on my own. My heart needs this. I had better stop the resolutions there. No need to get carried away.

On another note: I am totally digging this little gem I found in my stocking this year.

I HATE having little gooey drippings of food all over my counters and stove. I know you can use a spoon 'rest', but then the gunk just piles up and turns hard. Gross. Plus, they come in colors and are cute. I have a green one, but am thinking of getting a couple more. It's especially helpful for me since I can't use the same utensils when cooking B's food. I can go about my cooking as brainlessly as I do other things. I think that's fabulous.


Ooohhh.... the possibilities!

Can you imagine what you... or your kids.... can do with this fab blank board book? Found HERE!


Made for Me!

I posted some time ago about this company, Pretty Bitter, that designs the kind of stuff that was just made for me. Leave it to them, then, to make the perfect gift tag. Or better yet... this one.